All of the politicizing of the Ebola crisis is yet another sign that the United States has just about generally lost its mind. At least one-half of the confident assertions about Ebola offered by politicians and news media and on the blogs, left and right, are just echo-chamber nonsense, not actual scientific facts.
We now have lots of encouraging facts. It's obvious that Ebola is not spreading rapidly in the United States. It's obvious that it's very hard to get (it's just amazing that Mr. Duncan's fiancee, who was sleeping in the same bed with him while he was extremely symptomatic, did not contract the disease). It's obvious that it's much more treatable than had been assumed, if there is top-notch medical care. So far 8 of 9 being treated for Ebola in the United States have survived. IIRC, there is just one other person now being treated, the doctor in New York.
So at the moment it looks like we'll beat this disease, at least in the United States.